Weekend Bulletin: Healthy Weight Loss

I’ve just discovered a simple program for burning fat and
reshaping your body that’s simple, fun, doable, and effective.

Now even though I’m a doctor, I get tired of wading through
lots of dry technical info just like you;  so when I saw the
site below, which grabbed my attention in a simple and fun way
(you’ll get to see it in a moment), I was intrigued.

And as I read their comments about how our body’s metabolism
works, I could see they were on the right track
(somewhat unusual in this arena…)

So I bought their program in order to thoroughly review its
soundness and here’s what I found:

The program is fun, simple, and doable, and here’s what I love
about it…

It’s healthy…

Requires no counting calories or reading labels…

Works completely with simple steps you can take with easily
available foods and simple exercise you already know how to

Doesn’t depend on special supplements or products…

Creates measurable change in just days…

(My only caveat is I would avoid the optional artificial
sweeteners and diet sodas)

The program is simple, powerful, and thorough–including sound
advice on water and its affect on fat-burning, and great tips
for when you’re eating out, as well as how to continue with a
healthy & shapely body in an ongoing and easily sustainable

…even if you’re not looking to lose weight right now, you’ll
appreciate the healthy ways to keep your metabolism running
great for years to come!

and you can read it all in one sitting and start applying it
right away!

In fact, my primary goal is to provide you with exactly that:

easily digestible information that you can read in one sitting
and apply right away to create measurable change in your health
and your life, and this program fits the bill wonderfully.

And I’d get the “Beyond Calories” add-on (you’ll see it at the
end), because it gives you a third great option and some more
great tips.

And to ensure your success, develop some wonderful testimonials
to benefit others, and get a “hands-on” feel for your most
pressing questions, I’m going to give every one of you who
choose to purchase this program now (this weekend)
something special:

a free one-on-one phone strategy session with me to further
your personal health transformation.

Just visit the website below, purchase the program, and then
email me a copy of your receipt with your phone number and time
zone, and we’ll schedule your strategy session.

So here you go:

Fun & Healthy Weight Loss Program


Your friend and partner in health,

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Optimize your metabolism and begin releasing weight in
a simple and healthy way this weekend:  get your own fun & healthy
weight loss program
here; then email me for your free
one-on-one health strategy session by phone!

P.P.S.  Have you signed up for your own copy of Dr. Ben’s Health Insights by email?

Get yours here:  https://doctorbenlo.com

copyright 2007 Ben Lo, MD

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at www.drbenlo.com I look forward to connecting with you!

3 thoughts on “Weekend Bulletin: Healthy Weight Loss”

  1. Hi, this is where you can add your own comments and questions about “Fat Loss 4 Idiot’s” or about healthy weight loss in general!

  2. Hi Mick,

    3 general thoughts for you right off the bat:

    1) Drink plenty of filtered or purified water and herbal teas or broths.
    2) If there’s a lot of phlegm or mucus, the pineapple enzyme bromelain can help break that up (available at health food stores or online)
    3) If the cough is dry and spasmodic–almost “asthma”-like…there may be an allergy component. Nasal saline can help, and then an extract of the Cordyceps mushroom from China I’ve found very effective. If you want a good source for this, email me directly at [email protected]

    Lastly, from a mind-body perspective, Louise Hay comments in her book You Can Heal Your Life that cough and respiratory ailments can be associated with a “fear of taking in life fully” and she suggests the new thought pattern: I am safe. I love my life.

    Let me know how you do!

    Dr. Ben

    P.S. Get your own natural health and wellness insights by email at https://doctorbenlo.com

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